Final exam long case


Chief complaint :

A 62 year old male patient of resident battugudem, farmer by occupation  came to opd with a complaint of decreased appetite, vomiting, nausea, facial puffiness, pedal edema, distension of abdomen and decreased urine output from 15 days. 

History of present illnesses: 

patient was apparently Asymptomatic 10 years back then he had fever, difficulty in having food and was taken to hospital and incidentally found to have diabetes mellitus and started on conservative management

Patient was asymptomatic 3 years back and he noticed pedal edema, facial puffiness and was not treated for it 

And later 2 years back the patient was Unconscious and unable to talk and was presented to local RMP doctor and was diagnosed the condition as renal failure. And conservative treatment but was not controlled. Then he went to government hospital nalgonda.

2years back he was diagnosed as hypertension

15 days back he was suffering from vomitings, nausea, facial puffiness, pedal edema, distention of abdomen, decreased urine output, decreased appetite. 

No history of SOB, fever, chest pain, pain abdomen

History of past illness:

Known case of hypertension since 2 year and medication tab. Nicardia 10mg 

Known case of diabetis mellitus since 10 years and is on medication. 

Not a known case of asthma, tb, epilepsy. 

Family history :

Not significant 

Personal history :

Diet :mixed 

Appetite :decreased

Bowel and bladder movements :irregular 

Micturation: normal

Allergies :no allergies 

Addictions :no addictions present 

                     5 years back bidi smoking 

Daily routine :before 15 days 

6:00 wake up

7:30-8:00 breakfast

9:00 went to work ( farmer) 

1:30 lunch

6:00 return to home

8-9:00 dinner 

10:00 sleep

General examination:

Patient is consciousness, coherent, cooperative and well oriented to time, place. 

Patient is moderately built and nourished 




Lymphadenopathy :absent 

Pedal edema :present 

Vitals :

Bp:170/90mm hg

Temperature : afebrile

Pulse rate :69bpm

Respiratory rate:15 cycles per minute 

Systemic examination:



Bilateral symmetrical chest

No visible engorged veins, scars or sinuses on chest 


S1 and S2 are heared 

No thrills or murmurs 

Apex beat present at 5th intercoastal space 2cm lateral to mid clavicular line 

Percussion : 

       Heart borders are appreciated


No cardiac murmurs heard 

Respiratory system:


Chest is normal, bilateral symmetrical

Position of trachea is central

Movements are bilateral symmetrical

No scars, sinuses or visible pulsations 

BAE positive 

Palpation :

All inspectory findings are confirmed 

No local rise of temperature 

No tenderness 


                                 Right.             Left

Supraclavicular     Resonant.        R

Infraclavicular.         R.                   R

Mammary.               R.                   R

Axillary.                     R                  R

Infra axillary.            R                   R

Suprascapular.        R                 R

Interscapular.          R                 R

Infrascapular           R                R


                                 Right.                 Left

Supraclavicular.  Normal vesicular   NVBS

                              breathe sounds

Infraclavicular.    NVBS.                      NVBS

Mammary.           NVBS                        NVBS

Axillary.                NVBS.                      NVBS

Infra axillary.       NVBS.                      NVBS

Suprascapular.    NVBS.                      NVBS

Interscapular.      NVBS.                     NVBS

Infrascapular       NVBS.                    NVBS



Shape of the abdomen -  distention

Umbilicus - central and inverted 

Sinuses and scars - not visible

No dilated veins


No local rise in temperature

No tenderness

No palpable mass

No organomegaly

Hernial orifice -normal

Free fluid - no

No bruits

Liver not palpable

Spleen not palpable




Bowel sounds heard


Patient is conscious , coherent, cooperative and we'll oriented to time and place.

Speech- normal

No sign of meningitis 

Motor and sensory system- Normal

Cranial nerves- normal

Memory intact

Investigations :

2D echo 

USG abdomen

            Complete urine examination

             Blood grouping

              Blood urea
               Serum creatinine
          Serum electrolytes
          Liver function test
               Serum iron

X ray

provision diagnosis:

Chronic kidney disease 

Diabetic nephropathy? 

Hypertension positive 2 year 


Tab Nodosis 500mg po/bd

Tab nicardia retard 10mg po/od

Tab shelcal po/od

Inj iron sucrose 100mg+100ml normal saline iv once in a week

Salt restriction less than 1-2 grms per day

Inj monosef 1grm iv bd

Tab baclofen 5mg po tid


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